June 16th 2023

Removing Stars From a String — Typescript

Problem Description permalink

You are given a string s, which contains stars *.

In one operation, you can:

Choose a star in s. Remove the closest non-star character to its left, as well as remove the star itself. Return the string after all stars have been removed.


The input will be generated such that the operation is always possible. It can be shown that the resulting string will always be unique.

Example 1:

Input: s = "leet**cod*e"
Output: "lecoe"
Explanation: Performing the removals from left to right:
- The closest character to the 1st star is 't' in "leet**cod*e". s becomes "lee*cod*e".
- The closest character to the 2nd star is 'e' in "lee*cod*e". s becomes "lecod*e".
- The closest character to the 3rd star is 'd' in "lecod*e". s becomes "lecoe".
There are no more stars, so we return "lecoe".

Solution 1 permalink

// Return the position of the closest start
// Returns -1 if no stars are left in the string
function closestStar(s: string): number {
return s.indexOf("*")

type StarRemovalOperation = {
// The string after the star and the character immediately to the left
// have been removed
newString: string,

// The character that was immediately to the left of the star
character: string,

function removeStarAtPosition(s: string, position: number): StarRemovalOperation {
const char = s[position - 1]
return {
character: char,
newString: s.replace(`${char}*`, "")

function removeStars(s: string): string {
let inputString = s;
let posOfClosestStar = closestStar(inputString)

while (posOfClosestStar != -1) {
const removed = removeStarAtPosition(inputString, posOfClosestStar)
inputString = removed.newString
posOfClosestStar = closestStar(inputString)

return inputString

Discussion 1 permalink

This solution closely follows the algorithm laid out in the problem description. If I was on a team and a product person had outlined the algorithm this is what I would want to ship. I like it because it's debuggable and it follows the mental model.

But it's also slow

Solution 2 permalink

function removeStars(s: string): string {
var result = s;
while (result.includes("*")) {
result = result.replace(new RegExp("[a-z][*]", "g"), "")
return result

Discussion 2 permalink

This is faster and it still mostly follows the mental model. But it's also still not fast enough.

Solution 3 permalink

function removeStars(s: string): string {
var result: string[] = []

for (var char of s.split("")) {
if (char == "*") {
} else {

return result.join("")

Discussion 3 permalink

This treat the input as a command string and the result as a stack to push and pop from. It's slightly different than the way the algorithm was outlined. If this was a bit of code that was in a critical path (like in the middle of an HTTP request) or was run on large data this would be the one I shipped.